
Yettel Android/iOS Client Application HUN
Mobile App
Our client sought our assistance in the client-side development of an Android and iOS-based mobile application for Yettel's market entry into Hungary. This project required a completely unique UI and UX. Our client demanded a fast, efficiently operating client application that manages memory intelligently, is sustainable, and is based on appropriate technical foundations.
We supported the project with a consortium entry, working remotely and in a hybrid manner with three colleagues. The development required innovative architect solutions due to its completely unique design, leading to an exciting and close collaboration with other team members, including backend developers and the design team, with continuous consultations.
The result is a thoroughly considered and well-structured application that synchronizes with server-side data and can handle high levels of user load. Simultaneously, it meets all unique UI, UX, and functional requirements, catering to the unique user needs of the market and the specific requests of Yettel HUN.
LG Chatbot Web Application, 24/7 Availability
Web App
LG commissioned us to create a bespoke chatbot application to assist website visitors with promotional and sales information 24/7. Additionally, there was a requirement to collect visitor data for reporting purposes within the application.
Named Chat Botond, the unique web application is designed to reduce the time spent on human assistance tasks. Its interaction follows a customized question-answer structure, presented through a friendly and user-friendly interface. The collected data is aggregated and made available for download to our client.
The product emerged as the absolute winner in LG's internal competition in 2017! Furthermore, it received awards in the years 2018, 2019, and 2020. LG can now inform its customers about the most suitable devices much faster and efficiently, through automated recommendations based on continuous questioning. This has led to a 25% increase in purchase conversion. Insights are derived from the results, and continuous measurements are conducted.
GeekScaler.com - the Startup Platform
Web App
Our client, a startup expert, came forward with a highly unique and specific need, innovatively reshaping the ecosystem with a new idea. They sought a digital interface capable of aggregating and collecting information and reports from various startups, potentially condensing it into a PDF automatically generated by the system.
Fulfilling these unique requirements necessitated a complete team effort, starting from ground zero to design and develop the one-of-a-kind web system. Through continuous demo presentations with our client, we validated the outcome. Numerous unique challenges had to be overcome and devised to ensure the system met expectations. Development spanned over a year.
The result is a web platform that fully caters to unique needs, scalable, and sustainable, incorporating complex custom features throughout.
Supporting Auchan's Digitalization, Transitioning from Paper
Web App
Auchan aimed to embark on the path of digitalization, replacing paperwork in the everyday inventory administration between stores.
For this project, our senior colleague joined remotely, after thoroughly familiarizing themselves with the entire infrastructure, they independently assisted Auchan's IT team to realize the project. We conducted and continue to conduct ongoing development and support activities.
Through digitalization, Auchan in Hungary has moved towards greener and more efficient operations in managing and logistics of inventory movement between its store chains. Their satisfaction led to their request for our continuous assistance.
Child-Friendly Program Recommender Application and Web Application
Mobile App
Our client transferred to us a unique application and web system offering child-friendly programs from an existing development team due to numerous errors and bugs. They wanted us to fix the mobile application and its associated web interface, as well as continue its development.
Taking into account the previous technological stack, we thoroughly reviewed the existing code and determined the direction for its improvement and rectification. Subsequently, we added the missing features according to our client's vision. Four of our colleagues worked continuously on the project for six months, utilizing remote work and conducting both in-person and online meetings for coordination.
The outcome is a codebase more stable and higher in quality than ever before, ensuring sustainable operation and support processes. The unique admin system, web application, and mobile application client were perfectly synchronized with the client, and we even expanded the palette with additional features.
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